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Re: Crisis :(

I am just trying to make it through the night at this point. 

Re: Crisis :(

@Eden1919Would you be able to set up a good movie or a tv show that you love?

I had fun watching Outlander ... I had not heard of it til I met our Outlander on the forum.

Re: Crisis :(

I am still feeling terrible tonight and had a huge panic attack last night and i really dont know what to do anymore i am so scared. everything is falling appart. 

Re: Crisis :(

@Eden1919 I went through years of panic attacks. There are tricks I learned and perhaps they might help you too. The first thing I am going to do is let you know a bit about your body. When something sets off your anxiety, it releases adrenalin into your body from your kidneys. The adrenalin is what helps us become alert so we can get ready fight or flee a danger. It also unfortunately has the effect of making one edgy and even more anxious. If the danger passes, the adrenalin is taken back up by the liver and the person becomes calm again. This can take some time. Please drink some least a litre as often panic attacks are nothing more than lack or water, fibre or sleep and even if there are psych issues, it makes everything worse if you are dehydrated.

That is the physical's the psychological part. You are (if you were anything like me) being driven by your anxiety to feel the need to make decisions like your life depended on it. It's important to slow down, and give yourself permission to not make any decisions. You can decide whether to call a help centre tomorrow, and you don't need to decide about contacting your doctor now either, and suicide can wait till tomorrow, cause let's face it, being alive another 24 hours isn't going to make a hell of a difference in the scheme of things. Since you have no decisions to make, you may as well go to sleep or do your usual boring routine. It can all wait till tomorrow. Give your mind time to rest and your body time to take up the adrenalin.

Re: Crisis :(

@Lemonjuice I can understand what you are saying but the issue is not quite so simple.... of course nothing that is your fault as i havent really said what is going on at all. it is not the anxiety that is the driving force the anxiety is more of a side effect of the real issue. perhaps i should explain. 

I am having problems because well this is hard to explain but i am not in the world i am supposed to be in they took me here the ones who have been watching me to another world that looks the same but isnt all the people and things here look exactly the same but they are just replicas of the original of the true beings they arent real they are things pretending to be things that i know. my family my pets here they are all not real and being in a room full of people who look just like the ones i love but arent is awful. i cant trust any of them they are all working for the ones who watch me and they will hurt me if i do something wrong i need to leave i need to get back to the real world but if i try they will hurt me. they dont want me to go but i have to it is not safe here. i am scared all the time because they wont leave me alone they whisper about me all the time i dont know what to do anymore i am scared to tell my psychiatrist what is going on because he too is not real. i feel trapped and lost. 

Re: Crisis :(

@Former-Member please read the above post but also i really dont know what to do i thought maybe someone might have some suggestions and other than @Appleblossom and @Lemonjuice and @Jupiter who are probably sick of me like everyone else seems to be. no one seems to have anything much to say not even just words of support idk maybe i am just being stupid i just feel very alone and rejected right now. 

Re: Crisis :(

Hi @Eden1919,

Sorry to hear things are so bad for you just now. Will send you an email.

All the best



Not applicable

Re: Crisis :(

Hi @Eden1919 So sorry you are suffering

Re: Crisis :(

Hey @Eden1919, Please don't think I don't care (because I do), I haven't been on much since Wednesday as I had major dental surgery on Thursday and haven't felt well since.

What you are describing must be very confusing and terrifying for you. I've been in similar situations, but have luckily for me have always had someone out there I could depend upon. Someone who was their true selves and not a replica of my loved ones. Is there absolutely nobody you can trust at all @Eden1919? Being constantly distressed due to what is happening for you must be taking its toll.

Re: Crisis :(

@Queenie I am sorry you have been feeling bad. and no there is nobody i can trust around me i am trying my best to keep it together but i feel like i am about to burst i just cant deal with this much longer.