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Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

@balance37  What will happen with a person with DID when they get older? I'm struggling with the idea that if my brain deteriorates like our body as we age. Do the stronger persons take over and the weaker fall behind?

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

@@Blackbird11 @ if you could tell your other selves what it would be like on the journey of discovery. Discovering you have DID, what would U tell your earlier self/selves? Thanks in advance @Just

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

Hi @Just,


I hope this factsheet can cover your questions. Please let me know if it has been helpful.

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

@Blackbird11 no sorry not anything I could find on your link, talks about people with DID with an aging body and mind. My question is when someone has DID as they age in real time and the brain deteriorates with age do or can some of the alters not be effected. E.g that part of the brain is not damaged say for e.g by dementia etc. ? And if this is possible then do they take over fully as the original host deteriates with Alzheimer's????

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD


I'm not very knowledgeable in this area. I did however read somewhere that alters are likely to remain stable over time, alters playing specific roles in a persons life over many years.

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

@Blackbird11 thanks for trying. 

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

Have been diagnosed with OSDD. As I've had it almost my whole life, I guess not much changes. Do feel like I need to know more. Or just starting to get to know the hidden parts. Just feeling sick a lot of the time now. Want to throw  up. @balance37 @tyme @Ru-bee silly really have had a good idea for sometime. Even my heart physically hearts at the moment, like I'm having a heart attack. 

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

Hi @Just is this sick feeling coming from now knowing this diagnosis of OSDD?

It can be a lot to take it and it's completely understandable to need to take time to adjust and process this information

Re: DID, it's not confirmed, but have CPTSD

Hey @Just ,


Sorry to hear things haven't been the best. 


Please know we are here if you need anything.