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Something’s not right

Re: Self Harm

@Maggie  good afternoon and thankyou for the hello. hope your ball and chain are 

loosening .

Re: Self Harm

Hey @Jhaneylena yes I went to the gym but it was too crowded so I left early.    My son is home on uni break.....   But that didn't stop me.

Re: Self Harm

@Owlunar How are you going?


@Maggie  I got your coffee,  I hope you're okay?

Re: Self Harm

Hey @Angels333 Doing the best you can is all that can be asked of you Hon. Much love and huge hugs coming your way Heart

Re: Self Harm

good evening ok here we go. i know your in a dark place at the moment and that really sucks. What is your pain? What is eating at you ? What can we do to break through 

besides the obvious. Do you feel angry? Would it help just to scream into a pillow or beat the crap out of it. Something to vent on til it exhausts you. That’s why I thought the gym was good for you. Cause then you can just go at it. I don’t know all the answers and we are forever on a roller coaster with emotions pain trauma you name it. The question is how do we keep moving forward and deal with the highs and lows.

Re: Self Harm

@Jhaneylena  I feel ashamed mostly, worried about being caught out.    I hope my Psychiatrist can come up with some options for me on Wednesday. I feel sad mostly.   Your helping me more than you can know, thanks @Jhaneylena  xxxx

Re: Self Harm

@Angels333  wow that’s my first for doing @.  been trying to work out how you guys do it. lol.

Goodmorning my friend. Don’t feel ashamed. It’s has been your coping mechanicism and if that’s all you know . it will be a hard habit to break. Are you also ashamed for your age , your children. or just your self. Yes sad is a heavy one because of all the different emotions and when it kicks in. it grabs you by the horns and doesn’t let go. and feels like nothing will ever work out. It’s like being in a dark room and trying to find the light switch. I wish i could help you more than a few lines. i am here for you. i hope i’m not a scratched record cause sometimes we have heard it all before?

Re: Self Harm

@Angels333  I wish you didn’t have to feel the shame, but I’ve been there. I hid mine for years, then it all came out in the walk, so to speak. There are so many underlying reasons, making perfect sense to you, me and others, and no sense at all to more who label us attention seeking plus some much more.

You are coping as best you can, it’s all you can do. Riding out the storm with you. 😍😍

@Jhaneylena Glad you found the @. 😍🥰  takes a while to get the hang of online communication, Hope you are travelling okish. 

Re: Self Harm

@Jhaneylena  awesome that you found the @ I'm still not coping today.   I have work this afternoon so that will be a distraction.

Re: Self Harm

Hi @Angels333 


I have been thinking of you - I know these are dark days and I am glad you tagged me -


I am fine - I am in Cairns on holidays now - great flight here -  but the outback is so dry - I flew up here last September and it is much dryer than a year ago


Aw - fun and games - I stayed at the hotel at the airport last night - early flight out and all that - and I was all packed up ready to check in and I couldn't find my phone - talk about major fluster - it was in the pocket of my jacket


I know you are grieving - I also know there are no right words anyone can say to ease the pain and sometimes wonder if the best words are those that acknowledge that - how can we ease such a terrible loss - such terrible pain?


But we can be here - sending my best thoughts


It's too late for my Tuesday pic but I will send it anyway


Hugs - Dec


I think this will work on a Wednesday tooI think this will work on a Wednesday too

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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