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Something’s not right


@Happyness You have been very thorough answering. I guess some people post more than others. Dont worry about not making an immediate response, it makes sense if you dont log on often.  Sorry you have had a negative experience on the forums. 

Yes life can get lonely. I still need my rest days.

Take Care


hello @Happyness HeartHeart

wonderful to hear from you my friend xx

steady here , how about you xx


Hello @Happyness


I have been struggling for some time and took some time away...

I logged back in and found a lovely message from you...

I will always try to reply when I log on..

If you do not hear from me it is because my mind is not in the best state..

it has nothing to do with you..

I have been talking to you for some time on and off now...

You have a friend in me...

take care

I will tag you into a place where I visit when I am struggling...

I often leave quotes or pictures on there when I am short on words..

you are very welcome there to share..

hoping to hear from you there when you are able..

take care..

big hug


Hello Saneforums

and hi to @Sophia1 again

i'm sorry I haven't logged in for a few months

i haven't been ignoring you

life's worries and troubles just overtook me

and some days I feel all consumed by negativity

and I suffer chronic emotional pain

i just wanted to say "hi"


@Happyness do you ever feel that you have lost hope? I think I lost mine a while ago and I don't know what to do now.


Thanks for your comment @Tired1

I suffer chronic low mood and have chronic feelings of isolation

and some nights I suffer chronic anxiety, fear and panick

but I try to hold onto some sense of hope

maybe try and think of some good memories of past or current friends, family or a current or past partner or girlfriends or boyfriends

i have a pleasant memory when I gave my past girlfriend a ' teddy bear' for her two kids

it was a special moment and memory for me

i also have a pleasant memory when I gave her girl a 'brats' jacket and her son a 'homer simpson' tracksuit

i also have a pleasant memory when I gave my past girlfriend a big books on angels with lots of beautiful pictures of angels in it while on a dinner date with her and her kids

of course there's lots of negative feelings and memories

but a positive memory close to your heart will be special to you

to everyone on saneforume, what are some of your special memories

do you want to share them


I have such a deep low mood

and feel so profoundly isolated

and comments or suggestions from anyone

can someone respond

i hold on in hope

Not applicable


Hi @Happyness,


Sounds like a pretty tough moment. Glad you have reached out

It can sometimes take people a bit of time to respond depending on how busy the day is. You can also check out the 'latest posts' section from the home page of the lived exeperience forum to see what other conversations are happening at the moment. It is on the right side menu tabs. Meanwhile, you might like to call a support service hepline to chat through your feelings? 


beyondblue 1300 22 4636

SANE helpline 1800 18 7263


Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat


@Happyness thank you for your suggestions. I'm just at the stage where I don't have the energy to try to feel better. I'm seeing my counsellor tomorrow so that might help.


Hello @Happyness


Thank you so much for tagging me. 

I have been having time away from here also..taking time out for self care ...I am learning to look after myself better these days. I know that you take time out also. 

Feelings of profound isolation from the outside world are excruciatingly painful. 

Some people do not realise that it takes hard work to maintain isolation when feeling too fearful to face others..

It becomes a trap that can be hard to escape.


You express your feelings well @Happyness 

I also read your response to @Tired1 and again found it to be kind...considerate and thoughtful..with some good ideas... 


Looking at myself through my own eyes .,..not the eyes of those who criticised or treated me unkindly..

I see myself so very differently...this gives me strength to not be concerned about the expectations of others..

I am growing stronger and stronger living with my different emotions...accepting them as part of who I am they come and go...

This has helped me come back from the depths of depression and deal with extreme anxiety at times...

Reaching a place where I can manage these emotions as they arise allows me to venture out into the outside world..


Nature has a huge part in my life and I can find myself most at ease when out walking...observing and appreciating all of the sights...sounds...smells... 

Writing on the forums is a way to connect with others ....

you are not alone at these times... 

continuing to tag both of us is a way that we can all share thoughts and company..

Remembering that I am not on here every day...I will always respond when I am back on though..


In the meantime take special care 


Do either of you have any pets?

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