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Crisis :(

I do not feel ok right now but i dont know what to do i have tried helplines before (lifeline, kidshepline, headspace, suicide call back) but none of them are helpful for me and often they make things worse i really feel lost right now and i dont know i am too scared to call my psychiatrist because of everything and i am really scared and i am not coping please help me think of other options i am starting to think there is only one left.  


Re: Crisis :(


Do you have privacy or a feeling safety anywhere. 

A beach or your home or your bedroom. Dont mean to pester you with questions, but need some idea of your circumstances to relate.  I noticed that you feel there is denial about mental health issues in your family. We can only do so much on the forum, but as you continue to reach out, genuine friendships can form.  It does take time though. Take care.

Re: Crisis :(

@Appleblossom I do not really feel that safe anywhere right now it is all kind of complicated and i dont know if i should go into detail about what is going on or if that would help but i just feel really awful and i am not coping. 

Re: Crisis :(

Hearing you Bella.

Just wondering what sort of things you can put into place to help you get between the pdoc sessions. People all have different approaches ... there's @Phoenix_Rising who rides the waves ... and @CheerBear who has a lovely nest.

There must be a way that suits you even if at the moment you are overwhelmed.

Re: Crisis :(

I really dont know @Appleblossom because i honestly dont feel like i can deal with this and i am so incredibly scared and i dont know who i can talk to about this because i think there are people trying to hurt me but i dont know who i can trust. 

Re: Crisis :(

Fear tends to paralyse our minds and so the first thing to help reduce it (apart from medications) is find ways to be safe. 

For a long time I did not know how to be safe in my own skin but eventually positive moments appeared in my consciousness.  Bit by bit I could build on that and I made a little "cave for me" in my heart, and from there I could make more sensible decisions for myself. Eventually setting up a viable life where I now have a sense of sanctuary.

The thing is it is very personal.  What works for one mFanciful Flourish.jpgay seem utterly daggy or crazy to another ...

The best cures are the ones that come from within you.  Can you curl up in bed and listen to music for a while or have a bath.  Or do these things upset you.  I cant presume to know ...


Re: Crisis :(

@Appleblossom I have been trying to distract myself all day but it is nnot working and i am really struggling right now i am not coping at all and i feel really really really bad and it is becoming really hard to stay safe. 

Re: Crisis :(

Hi @Eden1919. Seems like things are tough right now. I've just sent you an email Smiley Happy

Re: Crisis :(

@Jupiter thats what i am saying though i tried a helpline before and they were less than helpful i just dont know what to do or what is left i feel so stuck. 

Re: Crisis :(

 @Eden1919 Distraction is not always the best word for self care. Sometimes we need to face the feelings or the issues in different ways.  Sometimes going for a walk or run can help. It all depends on what you like to do when you are well. You are worth receiving care.  Believe that you can get well again.