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Re: Christian Chat


Episodes came out first, then the books

I haven't read the books, I'm going to see if I can find an audio book version

Re: Christian Chat

That's going to be an issue though. I ALWAYS go for the original. That is, if the movie came out, I only do the movie. If the books came out, I only do the books. I feel that anything else takes away from the owner's original interpretation @avant-garde 


What I can do is read some synopses of the episodes, then watch them and hopefully understand better. Is there a particular season/episode you recommend? Or do I have to watch them in order to understand?


I have to go now, but Please take care and I'll catch you later this week.

Re: Christian Chat

@tyme @avant-garde I too have only just started watching The Chosen, although I had been wanting to. This thread reminded me of it and I am up to ep 5 in Season 1.


It IS different, but I would recommend you persevere. Ep 1 is building the story and is relevant to Jesus.


For me, it is bringing the New Testament to life and all the chapters I have read and re-read are depicted in the series. 


I am a Pentecostal Christian therefore I am not as traditional as a lot of followers, ie my mum for example. I don't know that she would want to watch it. 


I don't know that I would bother reading the books however, when the Ultimate Book is the one that the series is based on. Just my personal opinion, I know some people prefer reading the book, and given that the series was written before the books it would be interesting to see how close to script they are.

Re: Christian Chat

@ENKELI @avant-garde ,


I will tackle The Chosen again, but just haven't got the brain to yet. I hope to persevere so I will 'get it'.


I know all the stories, so I don't know why I couldn't make head and tail of the episodes though... but then again, I only gave it 30 mins.


I'll let you know how I go and I'd be happy to discuss it with you if you think it'll help.

Re: Christian Chat

All my life there have been times where this little voice inside me has said to hold on, times before great change and needing Him, clinging to Him. I heard that time voice this morning, to hold on.

Re: Christian Chat

I feel I should be intentional over Lent but it's hard while recuperating.

Re: Christian Chat

I'm not catholic, so I don't really know what lent is. @Dimity Something about not eating meat?

Re: Christian Chat

Hugs @Dimity , here if you want to chat 💗 

Re: Christian Chat

@avant-garde , @tyme , @Dimity 

That inner voice is the lord telling us and helping us daily 

Re: Christian Chat

Fasting can be part of it @tyme . Sometimes people give up sweets or something else, or commit to an extra spiritual practice. 

It's Ramadan too at the moment. Alms (charity) are part of it too.

Perhaps it's the focus of attention that's important.  I guess I could try centring prayer - it's like a meditation or mindfulness practice.