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Re: Best Friends Club

@creative_writer hopefully it's not too much longer. I'm chilling with my music and my colouring ❤️.

Re: Best Friends Club

just send all/any medical docs to centrelink . I did this and eventually someone rang and did a phone interview. Got assessed as being able to work 15 hrs a week and got a pension healthcare card @creative_writer but stillon jobseeker

Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member I think it is starting to cool down, it’s going to take a while till the house feels cool. What kind of music are you listening to? I find music helpful too, especially the 8D kind.

@TAB I could consider doing that. I am finding that I’m having to apply for jobs which I may not be able to do due to current circumstances. Right now I’m just getting rejections, my brain is struggling with attention when applying for jobs, I think I keep missing the mark
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Re: Best Friends Club

@creative_writer yeah it always takes the house a couple of days to cool down after its been so hot. I like all types of music, so pretty much anything and everything.

Re: Best Friends Club

maybe get some help @creative_writer  ? get resume checked/re done ?

Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member it can certainly take a few days. I also feel in summer the same temperature can feel warmer due to the strong sun.

@TAB I’ve had my base resume checked. I struggle more so with tailoring my resume for each job application, my brain stops working so I don’t know if it comes off as too generic. Or maybe I’m overthinking, I don’t know. I have really bad brain fog and caffeine just isn’t adequate for it
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Re: Best Friends Club

@creative_writer yes, the sun definitely has a bite to it and the humidity doesn't help. Bring on the cooler weather, where the clouds hide the sun a bit and the wind is cool and the sprinkling of rain is upon us.

Re: Best Friends Club

have you worked before @creative_writer  ?

if you just finished a course,you got through with brain fog or didnt have it then ?

Sorry, I dont really know what to say

Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member I don’t mind cloudy weather when during warmer months. However, I do not like cloudy weather as much during winter because it gets dark and cold.

@TAB I may have burnt myself out 🤦. I have worked before, but I did part time. I did do a full time placement for three months last year, it was very exhausting. I can’t ever see myself working full time as a social worker in a clinical role. I’m just trying to recover right now, but I fear recovery will take its time

Re: Best Friends Club

@creative_writer  I wont comment on yr grammar except to mention it lol 

okay well , maybe you have some knowledge of the system then ? download SU684 form and take it to dr's.