Mental Health - Education, Support and Prevention
07-01-2025 09:12 PM
07-01-2025 09:12 PM
@rav3n the last psychologist i saw told me that I was a lost cause. The only person I have is my gp and there's only so much they can do.
07-01-2025 09:13 PM
07-01-2025 09:13 PM
@PeppyPatti you got married!? CONGRATS!!! ✨
sorry to hear things with your ex-husband has been tough lately, hoping the situations settles down so you can enjoy your new chapter! have you had your honeymoon yet?
07-01-2025 09:23 PM
07-01-2025 09:23 PM
@Former-Member ugh that's horrible that they've said that to you!! honestly a good psychologist would never say such a thing, i'm so sorry you've had to experience that. i don't believe you're a lost cause at all. it's great that you have your GP, but i do agree, they can't provide the same level of support or therapy as psychs/therapists/counsellors, etc.
finding the right psych for you can be a bit of a trial and error process, i've found that doing some research into which psych or psych clinics have good ratings or specialise in areas i need has helped. that way i could request my GP to refer me to a place/psych of my choice (the first time i didn't get to chose and the psych was pretty invalidating so i left him to find a new one). i know trying again sounds daunting, but you do deserve to be supported by a professional who sees & validates you!!!
07-01-2025 09:26 PM
07-01-2025 09:26 PM
@rav3n i can't even try again. Even just the thought of it sends me into a state of panic. I don't know what's going on with me but not even the crisis lines are helping me anymore.
07-01-2025 09:50 PM
07-01-2025 09:50 PM
that's totally okay, you don't have to do any of that right now. come take some deep breaths with me first @Former-Member
it sounds like your thoughts are racing all over the place, i can imagine how overwhelming that must be. these thoughts have probably made your flight-fight response work overtime, so let's work on calming them down. what's something that can help soothe your thoughts right now? is there any loom bands or colouring books that could help calm you for a bit?
unfortunately the mods will be hopping off the forums soon but please know that the forums community is still here to support you. and if you need immediate support, please reach out to any of these:
07-01-2025 09:53 PM
07-01-2025 09:53 PM
@rav3n I've been trying to just breathe and keep myself grounded. I've tried every distraction possible but the thoughts and urges are too strong so I'm not able to focus on anything. I've reached out to the crisis lines and I'm just getting pushed away. I can't go through this again, it's just all too much.
07-01-2025 10:26 PM
07-01-2025 10:26 PM
I just want to leave these here for anyone that needs it. Trying to find some positive reassurance that things are going to be OK and thought maybe these could help others aswell 😊
08-01-2025 04:52 AM
08-01-2025 04:52 AM
Yes our wedding was.. incredible. It was very small --- we had a celebrant --- when we first met her I said
' no hippy sh. ..."
She lived close to. A Place called Fremantle where there are heaps of that.
Lol !!
My poor ol' ex husband is in hospital at the moment. He'll be fine.
He has NDIS where his Support coordinator is wonderful for him . ..
His mother is the problem.
08-01-2025 05:08 AM
08-01-2025 05:08 AM
@PeppyPatti hello, how's your night going?
08-01-2025 06:54 AM
08-01-2025 06:54 AM
Congratulations, @PeppyPatti , I'm so happy for you!
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