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Re: Share a cuppa?

@ArraDreaming ahhh classics! Did you enjoy the Monsters University sequel? I love the scene with the mum listening to heavy metal in the getaway car 🤣

Re: Share a cuppa?

Ahhhh what? @Jynx I don’t think I I have seen it? Sounds hilarious!! We might put it on kids can’t decide
Well done you just decided better than 5 people could

Re: Share a cuppa?

@ArraDreaming Oh for real! It's decent, I mean the first one is better but find me a kids movie sequel that is actually better than the original lol. 


It's called Monsters University, lemme know what you and the little ones think!

Re: Share a cuppa?
I have seen this a bunch of times but I needed to so desperately share this with you before you log off for the night cause even though issen it heaps of times my mrs and I I’m pretty sure absolutely lost it at this tonight and I know you would find it funny

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