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Re: Night Shift

am up @plasmo  if you're still around

Re: Night Shift

hoot, waking up

Re: Night Shift

yeah same sorta, bit groggy from last nap @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeh, i'm still behind

Re: Night Shift

yeah was up super early yest then didnt really recover @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah was still awake st 5.

Re: Night Shift

yeah think was up from 12-4 or 2-4 ok WA time lol @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah i should have wrapped it up by 3 seeing i got up earlier.

Re: Night Shift

I stayed up too long, couldnt sleep properly after that @plasmo 

Re: Night Shift

yeah alll over the place, now i'm loading up on caffeine.

i'm obsessed with buying stuff for a project, so had to go out again.
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