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Re: Pop has passed

@MDT you're in my thoughts and prayers my friend. Thank you for sharing your story, I hope you find peace and comfort knowing that you were loved by your pop.

Blessings 😍

Re: Pop has passed

Morning all

Was tossing up whether to shard this news with my work whatsapp group

Decided to in the end.


I wanted to own the means by which the news was shared. Straight from me. He was my grandfather. He was like a second father.

I'd rather share it as part of my way of both dealing with his passing and to ultimately prove myself wrong.

What do I mean by this?

Prove myself wrong

For a while there I doubted the intentions of those people I work with. The high octane environment and the stress.... part of me doubted people. Doubted their intention.

Had Pop known this, he'd be skeptical. He taught me to grab things by the scruff of the neck. I guess this is one of them.

I just posted it now and already I am getting messages through.

I proved something just now - that a part of me knows what is true and better and good. That's the good part.

So keep on keeping on

Time to write a eulogy

Re: Pop has passed

So I posted it and had some nice comments back.

Faith somewhat restored. Somewhat restored because I've been disappointed in the past. But it is what it is.

For a long time there I was unsettled. Very unsettled. It was like I was someone i didn't even recognise.

Hey maybe pop was telling me something ?

Re: Pop has passed

@outlander @TAB @BlueBay @Shaz51 @BlueBay @Former-Member

@ENKELI @Glisten @Appleblossom




Thinking today about my pop

About how I wish I had more time

About how I wasted time worrying about stupid stuff and couldve instead worked out how to visit him and nan more in the past 6 months

It's a feeling of guilt I guess


Anyway it turns out his great grandfather is buried around the corner a few streets away from where I live with my partner now.

The other day I went upthere and tried to find his grandfather. I found a grave site and the name was similar to the one I was looking for. Turns out it's actually his great grandfather. It seems to be the case anyway.

But on the ancestry site I saw a photo of him as a 12 month old kid. I was overcome with emotion because it's like I found some answers to questions I didn't even know were rhere. Like I'd joined the dots and that not that far from where we live he has a relative there.

I'm glad I have taken the time this week to process it all.

Moments like this right now.... yeah this is why....

Need to pick myself up and remember the things I did do an d how I helped. How I was a good grandson. How he will live through me.

It still hurting I guess

Re: Pop has passed


I'm so sorry for your loss @MDT . Thinking of you. 

Re: Pop has passed

You sound like a very empathetic and caring grandson 


Your message allowed me to reflect on things ......

Blessings to you @MDT 


Good night everyone else 




Re: Pop has passed



Grief journeys are unique. I am glad different associations are coming up for you in a positive way. It’s all part of life; coming to terms with family and various connections. Be gentle with yourself and don’t let regret hang too heavily on your shoulders. 

take care 



Re: Pop has passed

Well today waste funeral

I hate funerals

I'm glad it's over


I will miss Pop. Heaps.

But he's at rest

@outlander @TAB @BlueBay @Shaz51 @BlueBay @Former-Member
@ENKELI @Glisten @Appleblossom

Re: Pop has passed

do what you need to do Hams @MDT 

Re: Pop has passed

