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Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

Hi @MDT,


How are you

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

hey @Former-Member
Not bad thanks. Yourself?

I am a bit bored this afternoon. Had an okay day 50/50 about a job i did not get but oh well. Life goes on.

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

@greenpea hello darling, just finished work. I feel my psychosis was madness forced on me, into me by my father that I can't get rid of. Now with forum help, accepting it, I feel a lot freer. Have a great afternoon take care.

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

Aww @MDT, I get the disappointment of not getting a job.


Boredom always been something I've avoided in my family.


As for me well,

Since my boy has started school his teachers and dr have said that he shows signs of autism and while I seen signs here and there I didn't think he shows enough to be tested and the peadiatrician says that it is possible he could have high functioning autism but doesn't think that he needs the testing as routine and structure keeps my boy going but due to pushing from school and dr he probably going to be tested anyway.


I also found out that due to my mother and uncles arguments over my Nans health issues and who gets to make decisions my Nan put my name down on a document saying that I decide what happens. I know its because I have listened to what she wants and know what she wants but I feel anxious about the prospect of having to make such a decision. And it is a decision I could potentially have to make in 4 months when she goes for surgery to remove part of a noncancerous tumour near her brainstem to relieve pressure and possibly extend her life expectancy. 


I am also about to start studying again now that I am more mentally stable

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

That sure is a lot of responsibility @Former-Member

I am impressed at your ability to see clearly even though it is a lot. Good on you I think 🙂 I'm sure you will get to the bottom of what it's all about vis a vie your nan. Also about your boy, you are getting help if you think you need it for him. That's gotta count for something I think. Better to go and get help and find out you probably don't need it (or at least in the way you initially thought you did) compared to not seeking it at all!

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

what are you going to study @Former-Member

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

@MDT he struggles abit at school and I know it's because despite daycare 3 days a week before starting school he is more use to adult company or solidarity now he gets put in a situation 5 consecutive days a week a made to socialise with his own age group that doesn't always understand he needs to be left alone sometimes


And I'm studying a Bachelor of counselling. I already have my diploma so now I'm getting my bachelor degree and hoping to be a student counsellor

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

@Meowmy Heart Hi Meowmy are you going out with your old co worker tonight?xx

Re: Quotes, poetry and music to help us all

Hi HamsoloO1 nice to hear from you and wish you a good week, my friend.
Take care from Bimby2.