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Re: BPD or Bipolar

I'm so glad you didn't do anything silly @BlueBay. It would have hurt you & those close to you rather than doing anything about him. Maybe you should consider your options for therapists. Maybe not right now, you have enough on your plate already & opening up to the new psych has already added to your problems. Doing it with a new therapist as well would be a nightmare.


But when you're coming home from a therapist with those type of actions on your mind because of how they react to you, how you feel they're treating you, it's not a good thing. Maybe this is something else you need to bring up with the psych, I don't know.


What I do know is that I want you to feel safe, loved, cared for & supported. I'll keep trying to do the little I can to help with that if possible. Remember there are people around who at least partially understand what you're going through, care about you & want to see you through this.


Take care, and I hope your plans for tomorrow go well.

Re: BPD or Bipolar

Thank you so much @Drac0 for your care, support and help towards me. I feel like i have made a friend on here.

That's a good point you made - how I feel after a therapy session.  I think I will tell my psych tomorrow what happens after a session. And even the next day I still feel quite depressed and teary. It's like releasing so much in the session, I take a while for it all to sink in and I feel okay with it. I must admit my co-worker has noticed I am very depressed on Wednesday's (day after my regular DBT therapy); so I think i will bring it up tomorrow.

Take care, chat again soon.

Re: BPD or Bipolar

Thank you, I hope you make many more friends. It's important to feel that you have people you can turn to when needed. I understand the need for anonymity here, but at times I wish there was a more direct & faster way to contact others.


What is the chat for? I haven't seen it online yet.


It's not unusual to feel a little down or flat after a session every now & then @BlueBay. With the issues being discussed it's bound to happen. But to leave a session feeling like you did or having it happen on a regular basis shouldn't happen. I think it is important enough to discuss with the psych.


Take care.

Re: BPD or Bipolar

The two conditions are often difficult to separate.

I suffer from Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Traits.

One way or the other, after 14 years of trying to understand it all, I can sincerely offer this advice - get help on ways to self soothe your anxieties.  Unless you can learn to self regulate you will never get on top of it.

No amount of medication or therapy will help unless you start to soothe yourself.  

I wish I could do it because I havent yet mastered it and I suffer tremendously.   I know its the answer though.   Learn to soothe yourself and the cure is somewhere in being able to do that.


good luck, I truly feel for you.


Re: BPD or Bipolar

I have been put on and SSRI that is particularly effective for anxiety las February. The difference it has made to my life is nothing short of miraculous. We're not permitted to mention specific meds but it starts with an L. I heard about it on a forum that has now closed. I'm so glad I mentioned that med to my doctor because it has given me a virtually normal and wonderful life.

Re: BPD or Bipolar

Bipolar is either depression or mania (high) can be traeted with medicaion - a drug mainly dicovered in 1950's and still supposed to be the best. Can affect liver which is why pdocs are supposed to take regular blood tests for levels. Both depression and mania can be treated seperatly with medication and psycoanlysis


Borderline is a personality disorder cannot be treated by medication only CBT.



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