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Looking after ourselves

Re: Open Discussion

A psychologist site's RHC , rural health connect @Jynx ?

Dont think he will though 

Re: Open Discussion

Not into telehealth stuff or just cos he isn't too keen @Shaz51

Re: Open Discussion

Not into telehealth stuff @Jynx even though we had one today with the local psychologist and the doctor 

Re: Open Discussion

Maybe encourage him based on how today went @Shaz51?

Re: Open Discussion

Hey there, @chibam. After marking it on my calendar and determining to send you a Happy 23rd March message, I then confused the day thinking it was the 23rd today. Alas! My calendar just told me otherwise. I hope it was a pleasant day yesterday and that you're doing fine. I'm trekking on as usual. Sending best wishes.

Re: Open Discussion

Thank you so much, @Historylover !🤗

I've been meaning to touch base with you. I should've done so before now. I guess distractions just keep cropping up. I'm glad to hear that your doing fine, though.

Things have been much the same for me, too. Although my sleep cycle's been all over the place of late. But otherwise things are pretty much as usual.

Thank you once again for the well wishes! Really brightened up my day! 😀

Re: Open Discussion

Hi @Historylover ! How have you been? It's been a while since I checked in with you. Sorry about that. I hope things are going well for you.🙂

Re: Open Discussion

So good to hear from you, no apology needed, @chibam. I've been well and keeping busy. I recently added table tennis to my carpet bowls and tennis activities which gives me 3 days of activities. It's even more fun than tennis I think. Certainly is fast. I'm working my way up to possibly incorporating badminton, as well—trying to keep up with others who are up to 10 years my senior. They certainly are an active lot and can run rings around me, but I'll get there. It all helps to fill my week and gives me something to look forward to. So, for as long as it lasts, I'm doing alright. 


The weather here is cold and Winter hasn't started yet. Would be good if I was a snow person, but I'll never be that. Skiing must be exhiliarating. 


How are things going for you?

Re: Open Discussion

@Historylover wrote:

The weather here is cold and Winter hasn't started yet

We had a bit of a cold snap, but the temperature seems to have levelled out now, and I'd say it's about average for this time of year about now.

I don't mind the winter so much these days, because it's easy enough to manage the cold. You just need to find enough layers to wrap yourself up in.

A few years ago, I got a new doona as a birthday present, and it's like magic. I don't think I've had a cold sleep since.

@Historylover wrote:

How are things going for you?

Short answer: okay.

Long answer: I've been finding myself haunted a lot lately. By the past; by the future; by questions about right and wrong, blame, innosence, and consequences. I'm perpetually lost, and sometimes you can just tune that out, and other times you just can't help but be fully conscious of just how much you are in deep shit. Right now, I'm closer to the latter, rather then the former.

And on top of that, lots of talk about things like the budget and what's being done for those of us who need help, and it feels like I have a duty to try and fight for a better future, but I just don't have the oomph to do much of anything, you know?

That probably sounds a lot more bleak then is fair. Don't mind me, I'm just an old rambler. The most straightforward answer to your question is that things are okay.🙂

Re: Open Discussion

I know things aren't going well for you, @chibam and that you are like a ship with a broken mast. Perhaps we all are, or many of us at least. I realized some time ago that nothing will change, that no-one will help me and that I had to help myself. Currently I'm doing alright but that could all change. 


I tried one thing after another. Nothing was a good fit and failed. I took time out to heal from the bruising experiences. People just weren't what I was looking for—or was it me? What did I want from people? What was I doing wrong? Was I trying too hard to fit in? It has never been my area of expertise to talk comfortably with strangers, but I don't think it should be. It takes time to get to know people and find common ground. So I studied and worked on my self-improvement while I built up the determination to try again elsewhere with a modified approach.


And it wasn't 'just me'. It was a combination. I wouldn't go back to those other experiences because they were not a good fit for a number of reasons. But I've grown in the meantime and learnt a lot about myself and others, and what I've been doing wrong. 


I don't know what else I can say, @chibam. Don't just mull over the past, put it behind you as best you can. That is essential. What are some realistic goals/projects for you to work on?


Have a good day, my friend—and I agree, doonas are essential!🌞



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