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Looking after ourselves

Re: My mental breakdown

@Former-Member I'm a perfectionist too and I can be very hard on myself. I will try to be mindful of that. Thanks for cheering me on 😊


@Powderfinger It's okay, these are just ideas. I will work towards them slowly. Like today I'm just concentrating on drinking water and listening to my audio book. 


I used the Headspace app for six years. I meditated for 20 minutes twice a day (sometimes three times a day). I stopped using it because they changed it too much and I didn't like it, and it's very expensive now. 


I haven't been meditating regularly for a while. I haven't really been able to find any meditations I like. At the moment I'm listening to these meditations:


I like them because they are non-spiritual and similar to the Headspace guided  meditations, but I don't really like the guy's voice. 



Re: My mental breakdown

Sorry, I forgot to say...


I went through a stage where I meditated without any guidance, but I find that too hard at the moment because my negative thoughts are too strong.



Re: My mental breakdown

For me it was moment by moment, day by day, one step at a time. Go easy on yourself @Arizona
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