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Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

About 4 years ago, I discovered I was an HSP – a 'Highly Sensitive Person'. It was like a light bulb went on, as this explained so much about me.


For me, this means that I'm very sensitive to both the good and bad in life. I'm sensitive to pain, other people's moods, loud noises, strong smells, or chaos of any sort. And even coffee - one mild instant coffee a day is usually plenty. I'm very affected by music, both positively and negatively, so much so that I can't listen to anyone else's music if it's about death or is heavy metal /death metal music. I avoid violent and gory movies and books and I don't even have a TV, as I can't handle the conflict and shouting noise of the ads and programmes on there. But I like art and have a rich and active inner life, and I value being able to empathise with people.


I've been extremely conscientious all my life and try to do the right thing, including agonising over what the right thing is. I'm also very aware of details in my environment, and get very shaken up by changes in my life.


I get easily overwhelmed and stressed by too much happening to me or around me, and have to go and lie down in a quiet room. Because I get stressed so easily and can't deal with stress well, I try to be organised in advance so I can avoid overwhelming or upsetting situations.


Overall I like being an HSP and think it's a gift, despite the fact that I can't handle what other people can handle. Having this awareness of being an HSP has helped me to accept and celebrate these parts of me that were rejected by my family growing up. It has also helped me to organise my life to fit in with these HSP traits, such as not expecting too much of myself in stressful situations. But I have noticed that HSPs seem to be more subject to anxiety, including me. I used to meet regularly with other HSPs in a group, for about a year, until I moved too far away; and anxiety was a common theme among us.


What are your thoughts? Can anyone relate? And if you are an HSP, how does it relate to your mental health?




Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

ohhhhh @Former-Member 

this is interesting @NatureLover 

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

@NatureLover  Yes, I can relate very well.


I will come back to this when I have had time to think, and my mind is in a better place.


Thanks for sharing this.

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

Hi @NatureLover ,


I hear you. I have been with the 'Highly Sensitive People' and met others who are highly intuitive too. I initially thought they are the same, but to be honest, everyone's different and we can't just simply categorize them. 


For me, loud noise/shoutings will mean a blackout and loud ringing in the ear. I could no longer see or hear what's going on externally, but still conscious and able to walk, touch and taste. Just 2 of the senses missing. I could never understand why people need to yell at each other because they would shout so loud that I can't hear anything. That is, until I was in a support group and a lady mentioned she has issues with anger which others saw as agressiveness but she would see it as assertiveness. Apparently she grew up in such loud environment and unconsciously pick up the habit. The neighbours and others would be the same and that's all they know. Whereas I grew up quite solitary and peaceful, not always being with my family. And that's all I know.  


On the other hand, a spill of air freshener/laundry detergent will send me straight to the doctor with high fever and sore throat. This happened twice and I was left sick for 2 weeks. No funny incense, aromatherapy or whatsoever, regardless of their claimed healing properties.


I usually walk away from aggressive/abusive/violent or unethical behaviours, even when the behaviours were directed towards someone else. I would speak up but my voice isn't loud enough to change the behaviours. People only change when they are ready to anyway and I don't believe in controlling anyone either.


Also, I feel comforted by nature and would usually be there daily for a walk or jog unless work gets in the way. I get stressed easily indoor and would entertain myself in creating art which fortunately is also my career. I love warm weather and it would be great to be up on the hill or at the park creating arts with the sun smiling at me.  


Good to find another sensitive fellow and thank you for sharing your experience. Smiley Happy




Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

@NatureLover @Lilaca @Shaz51 


I thought this was helpful. Not that any of us don’t already know all these facts.

A highly sensitive person or HSP is someone who feels more deeply about things. They may cry more easily, prefer alone time to recharge, and display higher empathy. In fact, the personality trait was first researched by Dr. Elaine N. Aron in 1991. All of her important findings have been published

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

that was really good @Maggie 

hello @NatureLover 

and welcome to the forum @Lilaca Heart


Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

Thanks @Maggie!


Also @NatureLover, just want to answer your question on whether highly sensitive people are more prone mental health issues. This is just from my observation though.


I think if you place an extrovert person in a solitary environment, they would have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. They thrive being with people even when they are screaming at each other all the time. They don't take it too personally.


Sensitive people, however, would thrive better in peaceful environment, and would be deeply disturbed when placed in a loud or 'hostile' environment. Each personality to their own. 

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

Hi @Shaz51 thanks for the tag. 
@Maggie  That was a really interesting presentation about HSP. 

I relate to most of the 8 points and have always been an introvert. Choosing a meal from the menu hahaha me too.  Now that I am pescartarian it narrows down the options! I stopped watching horror movies a very long time ago. 
I guess I have learnt to live with the traits and focus on the positive aspects now that I have my anxiety under control.

Thanks for sharing Maggie. 

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

Hi @Lilaca , thank you too for sharing! Wow, you get a blackout and ringing in the ears after loud noises... That's very interesting about the lady who grew up in a loud environment, I'll take that on board. I tend to avoid angry and violent people too. 


I agree about needing to be out in nature, and I found the other HSPs I met did too. You're lucky that you've made art your career, that is awesome. 


@Lilaca wrote:

On the other hand, a spill of air freshener/laundry detergent will send me straight to the doctor with high fever and sore throat. This happened twice and I was left sick for 2 weeks.

I'm sorry to hear, that's not good 😞


Thanks also for your point about sensitive people and mental health issues...that is very true. 




Thanks for posting that video, @Maggie  - that was excellent. And I don't think everyone does know those facts - I had no idea about any of this till 4 years ago.



Hi @Scoo , we haven't met's good to meet you. I have that thing with choosing from the menu too 🙂

Re: Being a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Mental Health

Nice to meet you too @NatureLover 


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