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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Good afternoon @RainbowUnicorn @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Smc and anybody else passing through .....


All that gardening makes me feel very tired.  Although it has finally cooled down a little bit here, only around 30C I think.  Ahhhh ... at last.  But unfortunately the cooler weather will only last for today and tomorrow and then right back up to the mid to high 30s again.


But the cooler day today did allow me to get out and do a little bit in the garden.  Trimmed a couple of shrubs earlier.  And topped up the garden fish pond.  All these hot sunny days have caused a heap of algae to develop.  So I topped up the water, flushed it out and aerated it.  Then added some anti-algae substance to keep things nice again for the poor goldfish.  We used to have lots of goldfish out there, but unfortunately we had a pesky heron come in last year and gobbled most of them up.  So we have one lone large orange gold fish.  I will likely get some more once summer is over, and keep this fellow company.  Anyway he is looking happy and lively out there now that his large pond is clearer and aerated.  Our fish pond is an above ground pond, actually an old boat and located in a large garden bed.  Kinda cute. Looking forward to when I can get some more fish.  I have added some netting to help protect the fish from herons, kookaburras or any other birds from now on.  Bit late for some though.


I used to love having a vege garden, but havent bothered the past couple of years.  Lack of time, being away for periods of time, sick of bugs and birds beating me to produce, etc ... all made me feel that the effort wasnt worth it.  My neighhour has a good garden however, so we get some fresh produce from them.  Lucky aye?


Well ... I'd best go organise some dinner for tonight I suppose.  Enough chit chat.  Hope everyone is well, maybe talk again later.  @RainbowUnicorn I dont think we've met before, lovely to see you here.  Feel free to tag me if you ever want some company.  I tend to be around most days.


Sherry Heart

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Your pond sounds lovely @Former-Member,  we have a 1/2 barrel with a water lily in it but no fish. Needs constant topping up in the heat. 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

hello @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @RainbowUnicorn  busy I must say xxx


mr shaz mowed our lawn today and wants to have a flat lawn and no trees or gardens arounfd

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Yikes @Shaz51,  how dreadful, I cannot imagine a yard where birds and other critters could not make themselves at home. 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I know @Former-Member

had a rock lizard in the bathroom this morning Smiley Very Happy

I have honey eaters outside my kitchen window and  have frogs and geckos on the windows xx

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I’m sorry everyone but I just can’t do this anymore. She woke up so angry again today, around 30 mins ago. I knew she was tired so let her sleep. I got up, did gardening, hung a picture she wanted hung in the kitchen but she’s just being so nasty. I don’t feel safe in my own home, I’m sitting out the back garden crying. I just don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t take her abuse anymore. This is not what life is meant to be, living in fear

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

ohhhh @RainbowUnicorn sending you tender hugs my friend

you can chat here to us and if you need to talk to someone xoxo

do you have someone to talk to and has she have a mental health team you can ring


Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

There’s no one @Shaz51. I tried calling the SANE helpline but out of hours. I just don’t know what to do, im afraid to go back into my own hone.

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Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?


Beyond blue 1300 22 4636. 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.


1800 respect

call 1800 737 732

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi @RainbowUnicorn


I am so sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time at the moment. 

If you find yourself needing any support in addition to the forum you can contact either beyondblue or 1800Respect on the following links:


Also, if you find yourself feeling really unsafe you can always contact 000.

