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Re: Winter solstice

Aww yay @Patches59 sounds absolutely choice! 😍

Re: Winter solstice

@Jynx , @tyme 

MIL has shingles 

Had to leave peer chat tonight. Sorry ❤️ 

Re: Winter solstice

Oh no @Shaz51 ! I hope she's okay with it. How old is your MIL?

Re: Winter solstice

Nearly 90 @tyme 

She says she is OK but she is very independent lady ( we are questioning about how she is )

Re: Winter solstice

LOL @Shaz51 , maybe that's how she managed to make it to the ripe old age of 90! Being fiercely independent. 


At that age, I've learnt that you can't change them 🙂


Look after yourself. You've had a BIG day.

Re: Winter solstice

MIL and my mum are so much alike @tyme 

Gardeners, very independent,  loving , caring 


Yes will be in bed soon here , maybe a lazy day tomorrow might be needed 

Re: Winter solstice

Amazing... @Shaz51 


It's funny to see sometimes how alike people can be even though they've grown up in totally different households.


Please look after yourself. I'll catch you when I see you on the forums next.

Re: Winter solstice

Congrats on the anniversary of your move @Patches59 . I hope you're happy with it overall. 

How is your eyesight? Much improved I trust, and you should be back to normal activities. Do you have a date for the other eye yet?




Re: Winter solstice

Eye sight in left eye is bit blurry without glasses at times @Dimity .  Feels weird watching TV without my glasses on, this time last time I was hardly about to see anything clear in that eye unless it was at the end of my nose.


appointment booked for 30 October to have right eye done, can’t wait.  Bruise on back of my hand where they put needle in for anaesthesia will hopefully be gone by then.  


taking things easy this week and staying at home.  Will get out of the house for walk couple times next week.  Due to wearing compression stockings, opthamologist prefers me to wait until 1 week after surgery before getting footwear on


couple weeks time need to buy pair of cheap 2.5 reading glasses as per information from opthamologist 

Re: Winter solstice

@tyme @Jynx 

went to bed early hours this morning after watching and listening to some of the podcast that @RachSANECEO shared last night.


Memories of things about early intervention leaving me low and emotional today.  So close to home.  Have thought and wondered for long time now if early intervention had been provided to my dad and/or myself how my life would have turned out.  

was great hearing Rachel talk yet at same time it hurts.  Hurts and makes me angry that it took more than 5 years for my dad to get the help he needed.  Years as a teenager I went through abuse that could have been possibly been prevented.  Abuse that has left me dealing with my own ongoing medical health conditions.



not angry with anyone, just venting whilst trying to work through the pain and tears