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Re: I can’t cope

Just so you know. That is normal @tyme. Usually a little older than Ruby. They go through ‘the teenage years’ that’s when they get really naughty! 

Im big on writing everything down. I don’t function unless I have a list. 

Sound like you have a lot going on over the next few days. I’ve just got tomorrow and then work on Sunday. 

That’s pretty bad you got hacked. It always worries me. Dad got hacked but the bank called and found it and fixed it all up. 

Those callers are getting pretty cunning. I had a call come through yesterday and I answered and they asked if it was me. I said ‘it depends on who this is’ the lady on the other end of the phone laughed and said ‘hi captain, it’s …’ it was a call I was waiting for.


Anyway no point to that story. Just trying to keep my mind busy. I’m so tired and trying to not let those thoughts creep in. They get deeper and darker the more tired I get. 

Totally off track. 

Are you enjoying the Sunday hangouts? 

Re: I can’t cope

It's scary how cunning they are getting....


I feel sorry for those who get duped... 


Yeah, the Sunday chats are pretty chill and fun lol. We have our laughs. It's an adventure everytime. We've had fun facts, we've had jokes, we've had a whole bakery set up....we've had plenty of laughs.


Last week was our campfire which was great too! 


Feel free to join when you can @Captain24 .



Re: I can’t cope

Im glad that they are working out for you @tyme. They sound like fun. I’m just not sure I’m good enough to join. I’m not capable of having a conversation. 

So how do you unwind after being on here so late? Do you stay up later or do you go to bed soon after. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hopefully I've taken meds around 6pm (which I haven't tonight) @Captain24 . It is an anti-anxiety med and makes me have to slow down... 


It's hard to make myself go to bed. I just want to stay up all night 🙂


Hopefully by waking up at 6am, it's enough for me to go to bed by 11pm or so.

Re: I can’t cope

At least it doesn’t take a lot of time to

get to bed @tyme. How long until you get to sleep though? Are you one that can go straight to sleep?


I was going straight to sleep when I went to bed at 8:30. But last night and the night before having to wait until 10 made it harder to fall asleep. Which makes no sense. But my mind seems to spin. 


Re: I can’t cope

No! It does make sense! I was about to write that! IF i go to bed early e.g. 9pm, I fall asleep easily. But if I go to bed after 10, it takes so long to go to sleep. @Captain24 I wonder if it's about being overtired?


But it totes happens to me too!

Re: I can’t cope

So I’m not imagining it. It feels so

much better knowing that it’s not just me @tyme.


Im so tired, I’m watching a show that has strong sh themes and I'm just crying. Being so tired is what is causing it. 

I can’t do it. I have to go to sleep. I’ll have to get up in the middle of the night to take Jett out to the toilet as he can’t do it himself. I will try and get up early and see where that gets me for the day. 

Please have a good night and sorry for so many questions, you were a good distraction. Sorry for using you! 😜 

Re: I can’t cope

Go right ahead! That's what I'm here for! My pleasure in conversing and answering your questions 🙂 @Captain24 


I will see you over the weekend.


Have a good rest and I'll see you in my dreams lol.

Re: I can’t cope

@Captain24 wrote:

Hi @NatureLover 


I’m doing my best. 

I have 2 days off work and I go back on Sunday. 

Hope you are ok? 

Hi @Captain24 , I'm glad you're able to work 🙂 Also glad to hear you have an admission date in place. 


I'm OK thanks. It's too cold though in Melbourne! 


When does your best friend from Melbourne arrive?




@tyme  So sorry to hear you were hacked! 😮

Re: I can’t cope

Having to work is kinda good @NatureLover. It makes me get out of bed. I have to work as I have no one else to pay the mortgage or bills. But there are times when it’s just all too hard and I don’t want to. 

last night when I took Jett out to the toilet it was -3 at least now it’s 10 degrees and the sun is shining. 

My bestie is coming around Christmas time. 

I heard Melbourne gets cold. We have been lucky so far we haven’t really had that many single digit days. That’s to come though.