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Feeling helpless

My sister was admitted on a Treat Order with psychosis 3 weeks ago. This is the first time she and any of our family have really experienced this. She is in an acute part of a mental health unit and seems to be getting worse not better. The environment seems far from therapeutic in that there is not much the patients can engage in except to weed a garden Or draw outside with chalk. She is refusing her meds and needs to be restrained as a result Which means she is covered in bruises. Some of the nursing staff make inappropriate comments in response to her paranoia and delusional statements. She hasn’t been told about calls that have been made to her by the family or the mental health advocacy  team who have tried to make contact on a number Of occasions I found out today. I am trying to engage in conversation with her by phone and went to visit but at the end of the visit she physically wouldn’t let me leave. She is so isolated and I feel so helpless. She is supposed to have a tribunal hearing to extend her order on Friday. I agree that she requires further treatment but the environment that she is in seems to be exacerbating things rather than improving them. Also I have no idea as to what immigrants should be looking at to see improvement but I guess the fact that she has not been regularly taking them is going to impact this. I’m just scared of what all this means from here and what the best responses are from me and my family. She also has two children in their early teens trying to navigate this as well. Any advice on any of the above would be most appreciated. Thanks 😊


Re: Feeling helpless

I don’t really know how to help you. I just wanted to say I’m sorry you and your family are going through this. It’s really hard. Hopefully someone on this forum can give you some helpful advice.

Re: Feeling helpless

I feel for you @RUSS2. My sister has also suffered from psychosis and had to be admitted to hospital last year - she was in a bad way. It was difficult to see her in that state after being stable for several years. 


If you can somehow facilitate the communication between your sister and your family and the health advocacy team, that'd be a good start. It's worrisome that she isn't getting notification of the calls being made to her. The mental health advocacy team hopefully would be able to get her to take her medication, when they eventually do touch base with her - and that will hopefully help her feel she's supported and not alone in it, and to also feel okay to take her medication. 


I'm sorry you and your family are enduring this and your sister is suffering. I'm hoping your sister receives the proper support at the right time. Thinking of you and your family. 

Re: Feeling helpless

Hey @RUSS2 ,


I'm hearing you. It sounds like a lot has been happening and you have been kept out of the loop. 


Has anyone explained to you what a community treatment order is? It means that after they are discharged from hospital, they can be in the community but must go and get their medication (often by depot) as directed or they will risk having to go back to hospital. 


This is often for those who need extra support with taking meds regularly etc to help them stay well.


I hear how scary this sounds for you. I hope you get some answers soon.

Re: Feeling helpless

Hey @RUSS2 ,


Have you heard any more about your sister?


Hope you are okay.