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Re: Good Morning!

Sorry to read that you're low on energy, @Former-Member. I'm not running on all cylinders at the moment either. About 90% is the best I can manage. Spring hasn't sprung yet so getting in early gives another level of satisfaction when it arrives and the cleaning is well underway!


Yes, it's birthday season for us soon, but no—I won't be doing anything special. It's just another day for me.


My lovely little car is going so well. I love it and it arrived just in time. I couldn't have walked another meter. My poor feet and levels of exhaustion had reached their limit. I still haven't learned what all the buttons on the steering wheel are for but, to date, I haven't needed to. It's a dream.

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Historylover yes not wanting to complain but yes I get it. its hard. But I think we have the right idea doing a spring clean. I'm putting a pile of clothes on the floor in the cupboard today.  


I'm learning how to make vegan caramel macadamia nut icecream. I copied the recipe off a low carb, vegan brand from Woolworths. Will save $50 a month over summer. It only involves using a can of each of coconut milk and coconut cream. So theres a huge price margin of around $10 as a tub sells for $12!!!


Ho'oponopono is also color therapy. Drinking out of cobalt blue glass really helps with my digestive issues with diabetes. Saw the list of things blue solarised water treats and one of them is constipation.


if you don't mind me asking did you get constipation with your diabetes, everyone does? My diabetes educator had me on Metamucil which wouldn't work, Psyllium husk wouldn't work either. She was telling me to drink copious amounts of water and exercise but that wouldn't work either. I also eat lots of fruit and veg!


I ended up having to steal some ingredients off a formula made by a naturopath called Motion Potion. Was using Wheatgrass/Psyllium/Flaxseed meal. It was the only thing that worked apart from getting a script for a huge box of god I don't know what from my Doctor. I knew then i was at the end of my rope.


But blue solarised water really treats constipation so will save quite a bit each month and will be good if the food supply chains go down. I was worried if there was none of these ingredients I could buy in future.


I drink out of blue glass that has lead and other contaminants removed in the manufacturing process. I wouldn't drink out of any blue glass as its toxic. But I bought mine from a lady in Hawaii who guarantees the blue glass is safe as its produced with transparency with the manufacturing process. Lots of people in the health wellness and spirituality space drink it 


So yes a major win. Thought I'd mention. I know your diabetes has gone but blue solar water really cut the grade for me! its also very relaxing and calms the body of stress

Re: Good Morning!

Good morning @Former-Member I got all excited when I read about your ice cream immediately started salivating 🤤

Then I read coconut 🥥 milk and cream 😢 it gives me gastric reflux 🙁

But I still want to eat it 😆


Re: Good Morning!

Your icecream recipe sounds absolutely delicious, @Former-Member. Do you need an icecream maker? Certainly is a saving, making it yourself (as with many things, I guess).


I've done a good morning's work in the kitchen and will now have to build up another reserve of energy if I'm to do any more today.


Diabetes was so long ago and mingled with so much other illness that I don't recall suffering from constipation too, but I guess if I did, I'd remember.


You are so kind to your body, @SmilingGecko. Kudos to you. Mine just takes what it gets. 😟

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Re: Good Morning!

Hello @Glisten @Historylover 


Youre a funny cherub Glisten. I can't have regular icecream so I have to make it myself. I think homemade is better. When I was a uni student I would make my own out of condensed milk and glycerine and put in an old iceream container that I rinsed out. It tasted better than commercial varieties. Have heard they used to put an ingredient in them that was like paint stripper or something so after that never bought icecream again


History Lover you've got me cleaning around the house. I'll keep at it this week until I'm satisfied I'm ready for spring. Last year I did a big cleanout around the same time - it felt good. Everything was streamlined and a clean house certainly makes you feel better. That will be enough cleaning for today. Thankyou for saying I take care of myself. I've been pushed in that generalised direction but I do like healthy habits and the world of healing!

Re: Good Morning!

mum used to make icecream not really sure how, think buttermilk (?) @Former-Member  it must have had lots of water in it cos froze like rock, but once soft enough pretty hard to beat

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Re: Good Morning!

@TAB never heard of making icecream out of buttermilk but sounds lovely. I think I got my recipe from Cookery The Australian Way which was a book they used in Home Economics classes in the 1980's 

Re: Good Morning!

I could be wrong @Former-Member 


Re: Good Morning!

@Historylover @Former-Member @Glisten @tyme@Emelia8@tyme@Bill16

@TAB @Jynx 


I'm pretty excited to say hello to@Emelia8  hi ,,,😉



Hi y'all 🤠 yes i like a clean place but I realise without showing off or anything I need to watch my anxiety levels  ... Is this from my past ? TAB ?


@Appleblossom ??


I have decided to support 2-3 women here. I have experience of only 2 years of counselling -- ide be able to stay with someone for only 2 years --- that's all. 

I couldn't do anything when I felt my mother issues drowning me. 

Does this feel iv wasted the last 56 years of my life ? 

Next week, I'm going to get my support worker to help me get into 2 courses- one Workplace and training and one in counselling ( scary ) 


Iv always discussed with my psychotherapist the women I see --- so many traumatic stories in a very small area . 



I fee l like I want to have a cuppa with a few people here just to feel happy it's a new day.... 

@ENKELI @Glisten @TAB 

Then get on with it. Back to doing the dishes and sewing me next quilt ..... 

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Re: Good Morning!

I dont know @PeppyPatti  I live in a mess, any cleaning I do is to do with the level of mess as opposed to clean and tidy lol ..