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Re: Good Morning

@Judi9877 💞💞

Re: Good Morning

@Judi9877  hey Judi9877 thank you for including me in your posts.  i really appreciate reading your wonderful words they are always so colourful. love peaxxx

Re: Good Morning

Evening @Former-Member Grems. Like being locked in a cage not of your own choosing and wondering how life could go so horribly wrong, that it put you here.

Life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way.

Then I think of the 1940s 50s & 60s. Probably would have had a frontal lobotomy by now.

I’m so hungry, but I can’t assed doing anything food wise.

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Re: Good Morning

Hello @Glisten , yes that's so true.


Life's definitely a real sh!t show at times. 


Oh I hate when you are hungry but it's just so much effort to get something to eat. 


How has your day been? 


Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member Grems, I can’t save peach :peach: tree in the orchard.

It’s got rot all through the trunk. Ants are loving it.

I could smell the fungus as soon as I cut the first branch.

Mac lost his fly vale. His eyes were steaming water. I found it. Washed the sand and dirt off and bribed him with carrots 🥕 to put it back on.

Dougie ripped my grooming bag open. He could smell treats.

Eucalyptus trees are self pruning everywhere.

I’m making a overlap weatherboard bedhead.

Want to learn how to drive a tractor 🚜 


I’ve got to take my meds now, before I forget.

Ni night Big HUGS 🫂 

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Re: Good Morning

@Glisten oh no not the peach tree, that's so sad. I bet the ants are loving it though. 


At least you were able to bribe Mac with carrots to the get his fly vale back on. 


Cheeky Dougie getting into the treats. 


Learning to drive a tractor would be fun.


Hope you have a good night's sleep. 


Night night and big hugs for you aswell❤️

Re: Good Morning

@Glisten an overlap weatherboard bedhead sounds pretty cool but are you using square or round edged weatherboards.


I have also noticed a lot of self-pruning eucalyptus trees; some have pruned small limbs others have removed larger ones.  All in an attempt to survive in the heat and the difficult weather we are having here.  Unfortunately, a couple of trees have fallen over as well, I think their roots weren't deep enough and the storms caused them to go over.

Re: Good Morning

@Glisten  hey G hope today has been better for you.  You too @Former-Member .  life is a tough gig as Bette Davis once said life isn't for sissies. 

Not applicable

Re: Good Morning

Hello @greenpea. Today has been pretty rough once again. Been struggling to keep myself in the present moment for the most part of it. But I'm still here and I guess that counts as a win. 


How has your day been? 

Re: Good Morning

@Former-Member  sorry to hear today was a tough one.  i am grabbing hold of the wins.  went to the park with my mental health nurse and spoke to the birds and they spoke back.  i love our native birds.  saw my middle son who was crazy as usual but in a positive way so all was good there.  my other children are in a good place i think so cross that off and there was a beautiful breeze today so yeah was a good dayx