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Plans for March 2018

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Cat Tongue


Does anyone have any exciting plans for March 2018

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Re: Plans for March 2018

Hello @Gingernuts.  Unfortunately no, I dont have any exciting plans for March.  Fact is I have no plans at all past a few days.  My husband is currently very sick and therefore we are unable to make any plans. It sucks aye?

What about you ... do you have something exciting planned that you'd like to share with the rest of us?

I see you're pretty new, so I'll take the opportunity to welcome you to the Sane forums.  I've seen your sweet little dog Archie on the Dogs Rock thread.  What a beautiful little guy.  My profile picture is of my dog Holly.  She's a mini foxie / chihauhau cross, a little pocket rocket, and lovable as you can get.  

So far you've posted only to Social threads.  Do you have a mental illness of some sort, either diagnosed or not? Or do you care for someone with a mental illness? I have severe anxiety (both ptsd and ocd) with bouts of depression. And I care for my husband who also suffers from anxiety and depression.  If you open a new thread, I'd like for you to tag me in so I can catch up with you there. 

Nice to meet you, and hope to see you around again.

Sherry  Heart


Re: Plans for March 2018

Hello @Former-Member, @Gingernuts

checking in to see how you are xox

Not applicable

Re: Plans for March 2018

Oh hello there @Shaz51 and also @Gingernuts. Well that was a blast from the past. This thread of Gingers is almost 12 months old. 

As for plans for March 2018, now long gone. Hubby was really unwell all March last year and was in hospital all of last April. Good thing we had no plans aye? I must say that not a lot has changed for me in the year since my last post on this thread. Hubby remains unwell, and unable to travel anywhere or do much. Its kind of a day by day thing.

@Gingernuts How are you getting along? I hope your beautiful Archie continues to bring you light and joy.


Sherry 💕