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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Too many emotions  


Nobody understand 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

What are you planning @Sunnyside226 ?


I know there are so many emotions going on right now, it sounds really overwhelming

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee   I wish I wasn't here 


I'm sorry for today 😞  I'm still angry  


I want someone to sit with me hold me tell me I'm worth helping I'm worth being alive,     I'm still crying   I feel so numb       it's too much  I feel I'm taking up time 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

I'm sorry everything feels so heavy right now @Sunnyside226 


I'll sit with you and I can absolutely say that you are worth helping and worth being alive

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee off topic I've finished criminal minds already  now I've have to wait 5 years I'll be very old by them haha 


At what point do I tell you what I'm planning   maybe shouldn't be on the forums. The helpline was pointless 


I just want to leave forever 😭  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Isn't that annoying, having to wait ages for a new season? Right now I'm waiting for the next season of Severance to come out and it seems like its taking forever. @Sunnyside226 do you have another TV show that you're watching or that you want to start?


If you feel like maybe you shouldn't be on the forums right now that's okay, do you need a different kind of support at the moment?



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee  I'm watching nothing yet  nothing good to watch  do you have any?


Also did I show you my cat I draw?   

Do you like driving?    Sorry about my questions 

I'm getting to know to you  I can be chatting at times 😂   


I seen a lady on Sunday walking her cats in a push pram   

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Hmm, right now I'm watching the new episodes of House of the Dragon as they come out, and Great British Bake Off to wind down after work. What sort of shows are you favourite?


Yeah, your cat drawing was awesome! Sooo cute seeing cats out in prams isn't it? 


Sometimes I take one of my cats out for walks in a special backpack carrier that he can pop his head out of 😂


I wouldn't say I like driving...I like that it makes it easy to get around and that it's more convenient than public transport, but sometimes I can be a bit of anxious driver. I'm getting better and it helps doing some deep breathing if I get too anxious, but typically I'd rather someone else drive haha. Do you like to drive?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Ru-bee  I'm sorry you have cats????  

Ohhhhhhh  didn't know that  


I like scary tv shows ones that keep you on bum on the chair  till I get cranky then don't remember after years what's happened 😂😂😂


I love driving so lovely  I love going off road,   till I get myself lost 😂  nothing better then laugh at myself 


My back hurts so bad  of last night  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Yes, I've got 2 cats. One girl and one boy 😺 @Sunnyside226 They're very sweet but they tend to annoy each other a lot


That's awesome that you love driving, I hope one day I'll learn to love it too! Do you go off road like 4 wheel driving?


I hope you're able to rest your back today, back injuries are the worst especially when it makes it hard to get comfortable and relax

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