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Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@AFK ,


I hear you. Hope things work out better. One step at a time.



Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Thanks @tyme . One step at a time, yeah. Wish my role called on more of my strengths than my weaknesses. Gonna have to link things somehow to the stuff I'm better at.



Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@AFK wrote: real filter for priorities and every one of those things is screaming to be top of the list. It's easy to say write a list and do the important stuff... it's all the important stuff, and the list is massive.

So much this!! I find it so hard to prioritise things, because my brain tells me they are all important! Or if I'm not doing too well, that none of them are, which is probably worse. Bills, doctor's appointments, car rego, household chores...? NOPE it's too much, so it's time to play video games! 😩


One of the reasons I struggle to make a to-do list is because whenever I sit down to do one, it's like I forget all the things that were supposed to be on there! Or I get most of them written down, but miss one or two things, and then I forget to do them entirely because my brain is like 'Okay I have this to-do list and so now I don't need to remember anything else' and it just stops trying to remember other stuff that probably should have been on there. I've tried reminders and checklist apps, tried scribbling it down and sticking it to the fridge, all sorts, and just.... never able to be consistent 😑


I hope that you are able to work out the best pathway forward, I think sometimes it's just gotta be one step at a time 🤞💜

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@Jynx, it's clear you understand my experience perfectly! I don't struggle to write a to-do list though, I have them everywhere! There's an aspect of not trying to remember because I've already written it down, but there are also moments of something reminding me of a thing I was meant to do and I can't remember if I wrote it down so off I rush to do so (it's already on two or three separate lists that have become lost among the other lists). I used to do the "nope, time to play video games" thing, too. Now if I don't do certain household stuff (aka the stuff I'm worst at) it's literally life and death dangerous for my partner and our birds and I end up in this paralysis of indecision and awareness of how bad I am at the stuff and how bad it's gonna be if I don't do it...


Yeah, one step at a time. Finally found some vego ready meals we can get delivered (been trying on and off for the last year, the world is taking a while to catch up) and we've decided we're getting a dishwasher within a month, by hook or by crook! I think the less we have to function, the better we will.

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Living with diagnosised ADHD:- 


well hey! Yeah I am diagnosed with ADHD inattentive which is more of the “girls” diagnosis type…. 

so what’s it like?! 

well picture this… your friend is on the phone to someone you don’t know and they discuss something like ummm covid testing spot… there both like “yeah I don’t know of a spot…” you don’t even think twice and say hey I know where a testing spot is it’s at such and such… your brain goes “yeah I just helped out I’m so proud” meanwhile your friend is most likely very pissed… firstly they weren’t talking to you and didn’t even ask you so you kinda butted in… and rudely… 

well that’s one example… 


Then another:- puts a cup in the sink… I will wash it up later… next day gets another cup oh I will wash both cups later… later doesn’t necessarily happen 


another example:- brain “yum 100 and thousand biscuit” it’s in the cupboard opens it up and walks away without closing it… stays open until “bang” either you or someone else bangs there head 


another example:- I want that new coffee machine… can’t stop looking at it… trolls online for hours on end… finally you get it… 


yet another example:- oh run out of milk, will go get some… drives down… buys a whole bunch of other stuff but the “dam” milk…!!!! 

want another example?!:- brain “I gotta clean out the car” phone rings it’s your mate… brain goes “well let’s talk and clean at the same time…” concentration on talking on the phone and BANG there goes your head banging into the car door cause you weren’t concentrating 


medication helps reduce these type problems for some people the medications help a lot, some they don’t feel it helps them at all 


better “fly off” cold and wet… animals to be fed better grab that snow jacket ah… wait which one as you bought 6 just incase 🤦‍♀️

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hi @horsecrazy4eva @Jynx @AFK @tyme @Shaz51 

Sorry I haven't been in this discussion thread for ages; life has been a lot -- unexpected foster cats, infected tooth, my sister coming to stay... 


What you said is so relatable, horsecrazy4eva. Things I've been doing for decades before being diagnosed with ADHD, like answering a question that someone else was asking, jumping from task to task, and forgetting what I went shopping for while buying a bunch of other things 😆:face_with_rolling_eyes:  


I'm not sure that I've found the best meds (or maybe the best dose?) yet, as I only started on ADHD meds four months ago, but feeling a bit more clear-headed is a good start.

And I want to keep working on strategies for boosting my strengths and managing my weaknesses as an ADHDer -- pills & skills together 🙂 


Some of the things I like about my neurodivergence are: having lots of interests, being playful with words and accents, finding it easy to come up with lots of different ways to approach solving a problem (more with practical things than with my own emotions)

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

That was meant to say "answering a question that someone else was being asked"!

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!



now there is another topic in itself…. 

the hardest part is there are long acting (take one a day type) or short acting ( take every 3-4hrs) well that’s the theory… there are people who do have to take long acting then on top take a short acting to keep it up 


the other part is well it does depend on the severity of it though it seems like the severity scale is no longer being used so years ago it used to be on a classification as mild moderate and severe 


then you have the other issue as well… your body developing a tolerance (very common actually) which sucks as you might initially be going well on say 5mg but then in a few months 5mg doesn’t do anything so then you have to up it until there simply isn’t an allowance for that it is very debatable on the management of this some specialists say take a break and others say don’t take a break 


I have to say though I do find myself getting frustrated at how it was missed?! And as to what made the specialists “lower” the criteria?! 

Recent news article said there has been a very big increase on the number of people being diagnosed… I was like WELL DDDEEEERRRR!!!!! There’s a hell of lot more people in the world and it’s a lot more recognised 


occasionally I do come across people that say there is no such thing… that does piss me off…. While I don’t argue with them my brain just goes… well you have no idea how our brains function ain’t so simple as what they think 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

omg @Jynx what a legend for setting this up! It's so awesome to connect with people who get it.


It's so funny. I keep meaning to draft something up to post here but them I get distracted. Which is very fitting!


I started by ADHD diagnosis journey about 12 months ago. Until then, I had a really stereotypical view of what ADHD was. But boy did TikTok and social media change my understanding of it.


Things were a little too relatable. And before I knew it, ADHD explained a LOT of my struggles in life. And by treating my anxiety and depression, I was kinda just treating the symptoms of my ADHD. Things like ADHD burnout caused by masking and anxiety about overstimulation stemmed from me not understanding my own brain (and a world not built for it).


Anyway, I've found this tool really useful as I figure out what my needs are. Especially things like sensory needs and other stuff where meds don't seem to have much impact. Below is an example of an ADHD wheel by an ADHD + ASD educator I follow on instagram (the @livedexperienceeducator) 


Screen Shot 2022-06-03 at 11.21.50 am.png


How did you all start to figure our your needs once you were diagnosed? @greenspace @horsecrazy4eva @AFK 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Hi @Former-Member @greenspace @horsecrazy4eva @tyme @Jynx @Shaz51 ,


I haven't been around for a while, the thread was dormant long enough to lose my attention, and frankly life has been throwing worse stuff at me than usual and keeping me rather occupied. I'm glad to see this thread has at least had a couple of visitors in the meantime, and I hope it will pick up again and get the life it deserves.


TuxedoCat, you asked about figuring out our needs once we were diagnosed. For me, first of all, I was diagnosed less than two years ago and am in my 40s. Whilst like you I had only really a superficial understanding of what ADHD was, I did know myself pretty well. I knew I didn't think or function like "normal" people, it was evident in every area of my life. I knew I couldn't remember stuff well, so I had reminders and little tricks set up for myself, like keeping my work bag in front of the door so I wouldn't forget it when I left. I knew I sucked at being anywhere on time, so I kept my clocks running an odd number of minutes fast so I couldn't do the calculation easily enough in a half-asleep state to know I wasn't running late when my alarm went off. I knew my energy and motivation for a thing would come when it came and couldn't be forced so I came to get into a housework frenzy when it was there and things would actually get done. I made it my business to learn skills above my station at work because I was so damn bored. I made sure I was good at my job so my managers would tolerate my mad hopping from task to task - I have driven them nuts over the years.


I'm not going to say I wish I hadn't been diagnosed, that isn't true - knowledge is always better than ignorance. But as for understanding my needs and doing anything about them post diagnosis... feeling like I have something that gives me a reason for what I am, knowing it's a major problem for heaps of people has been useful, it's explained a lot. However, my journey with it has been the opposite. I tried meds, they made it worse. I looked for strategies, turns out I'd already tried many that exist (to varying degrees of success) and found some others not to be feasible in my life circumstances. I looked for practical help, like assistance with the stuff I'm worst at (*cough* housework *cough*) or reasonably subsidised counselling for all the inevitable mental health mess that comes with it (when I say reasonably subsidised, Medicare cover still leaves you coughing up around $100 a session, how many of us have that to throw around?), and I'm coming up empty. I've looked for community among others who live with this, and with all respect to you guys, this thread gets an average of one post a month, which doesn't quite fill the need - however it's hands down the closest I've found to doing it. As for dedicated ADHD forums... all they do is bang on about meds as if that's the one and only aspect of living with ADHD.


The truth is I felt better when I thought I was just some uncategorised kind of weirdo. What I have now is a feeling of being an outsider among outsiders, and I spent two(ish) years into trying to find help/guidance that only showed the stuff I came up with on my own without even knowing I had ADHD is about as good as it gets... My search for existing knowledge stalled my own innovation. So I guess the answer to your question is I now know my greatest need is to be a pioneer. Figure out stuff to fill the enormous gaps in current knowledge on how to live like this around the minimum requirements of functioning in a society that insists square pegs must get into round holes, most especially when meds aren't always an option - perhaps shouldn't even need to be one.



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