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Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Did Jynx leave too?   

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Nah I'm still here @Sunnyside226 hehe how are ya? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh my dear pal @Jynx  I thought you left too I was going to say  


I am sore I fell down the stairs  

I was looking for you on Friday and Saturday  I wanted a chat to ya 😜  


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Sunnyside226 nah just don't work Fridays, and I'm only on every other Saturday! 


Oh woops, you poor thing are you okay, are you injured? Or was it more the kind of fall that you got a good chuckle out of?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Well I wasn't laughing when it happened 


It's fine  I have planning to do anyways 


Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Can give us quite a shock to fall like that ay @Sunnyside226. I do hope you're okay.


Oooh what are you planning? 

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

@Jynx   I've hurt myself   



Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oh no @Sunnyside226 howso? Are you okay, do you need medical attention?

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Nah @Jynx  I've hurt my back   I've done something bad to my arm


I'm sitting in the dark with loud thoughts   don't know anymore I wanna cry punch  

Re: Support for Flowerlove22

Oof you're really going through it huh @Sunnyside226 🥺


I'm sorry it's so rough. Do you have anything coming up that you're looking forward to?