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Re: Struggling with not drinking

soo proud of you @utopia xx

I was never a drinker ,

my dad was a drinker

but since i meet my husband 10 years ago  , it was nice to have a drink or two  on the front steps in the afternoon after work and it would be nice to have one now 

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Yes @Shaz51. I understand. That quiet relaxing drink after work. Unwinding at the end of the day.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

we went to take the rubbish o the dump instead @utopia, now having a cup of tea


cup of tea.png

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Hello @utopia

I might be wrong, but I think that you have become so overwhelmed with your symptoms of depression that you had gone past the point of being able to look after or acknowledge the needs of  someone else. Definitely prevalent in major depression.

Your son is having a reaction to all of this himself. Perfectly healthy. Hopefully he can have a few chats with your mum if he needs to. You have apologised, explained and dont need to mention that side of things again unless he specifically asks. I think that he will in his own time warm to you again, when he sees what a huge effort you are making in putting the pieces of your life back together. I am assuming that he would have seen you self medicate with the alcohol. This would have been difficult for him to digest. He might have even felt it was all his fault. Even adult children can blame themselves without knowing. So quietly observing you deal with the act of giving up alcohol, will help him see just how strong you are.

What you are doing now and doing on this post is credit to how committed you are to restoring and maintaining your health. Just as importantly rebuilding and nurturing the beautiful relationship of mother and son. You are doing so well Utopia. Look at how far you have come in only a month.

Your son can watch this from afar and he will come home when he is ready. Important that it is his decision I believe. You can still have quality time together. Walks, museums, art galleries, films, beach, rivers. Something you can share together and be yourselves without too much focus on talking. communicating silently alongside each other, sharing special time.

You have been a mum, his mum and he will be watching on the sidelines as his mum starts to emerge, even stronger and more beautiful than before.

So when you feel the urge for a drink, think of the newfound strength that is growing within you without the need to bury pain with alcohol.

alcohol itself is not the problem. the problem is the reason behind the need to drink. so everytime you feel like a bourbon, ask yourself what is it that I am trying to mask? If I walk away and do something outside where I am at one with nature?If I focus on the feeling that I share with nature. The need will pass.

This is just one idea. I use nature to help distract myself from thinking of the past or future.

The painful feelings behind the urge to drink can be discussed with your therapist where you will be safe.

we are all proud of you xx


Re: Struggling with not drinking

Thank you @Former-Member. I think you have a clear idea of what's been happening with me. Last year I gave up alcohol for 3 months. I promised him I wouldn't drink again. He hated me drinking, and smoking.
I'm not going to promise him that again. All I can say is that I'm trying my hardest not to drink.
I have my first AA meeting in just under 2 hours. It's already been such a long day with going to the mental health support group GROW for the first time today. But I'm definitely going to AA tonight.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Day 21. Struggling today. Really really want a drink. I hate feeling miserable. I hate struggling. I hate not being able to get out of bed. I just want to numb myself with alcohol.
Or I want to sleep forever. Or not exist anymore.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

wow @utopia well friggin done

day 21 is a massive achievement!!!! good on you

sendin you big hugs- you can do this

i believe in you

remember to use your coping strategies such as the distractions to keep your mind busy and not on those urges to drink


well done to you!

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Hi @utopia
It's tough to hear you struggling to much 😞 Do you have an AA meeting tonight? Do you have someone from AA you can connect with to help you through this period? We're here too if you just want to chat.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Day 21. Struggling today. Really really want a drink., sorry @utopia, I am feeling for you and my hubby who would really love a drink

I am here to if you want to talk my friend xx

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Hugs @utopia Here with you also, sorry its been a hard afternoon. 😞