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Struggling with not drinking

Hi Forum family.
Think today is day 13 without a drink. And the urge is pretty intense right now.
I spent 11 days in a Private Psych Facility. The first 24 hours I was a bit shaky. But after that I was okay. No urge to drink when I was in hospital. There were always people around.
Been home 2 days and last night was hard with the urges. This afternoon is really tough.
Does anyone have any positive stories about successfully quitting alcohol?
I feel I need some inspiration.
My depression is still strong & SI started again last night. My friends all work. I can't see them at night - because that's when they drink.
I'm feeling pretty powerless - but I can't go back on the booze. It makes my depression that much harder to control. So I have to beat it.
please only positive replies.
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Re: Struggling with not drinking

Hiya @utopia. Yay for thirteen days. Here to help you make it to 14 I hope. Bit brain fuzzy, just had a two hour appointment with my therapist. I'm afraid I have zero experience with alcohol addiction but plenty with alcohol abuse. My gut is saying that it's distract, distract, distract though because eventually you'll beat it. And I know you've got this even if you don't yet 😜 I'm here for a bit to chat if you want. Having coffee and recovering.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

You know 13 is a great number to get to so we should celebrate it first @utopia


Whilst searching for happy dance pics I found this which I loved and it made me think of ideas to take your mind off them. Blowing bubbles with dishwashing liquid was one. I know I killed it for this by writing good morning but how happy is the dog. I'm talking this up for me too as I have to get home yet and find things to practice self soothing or being mindful. I am in a huge hole I've been digging deeper and deeper lately. Maybe you could find some foliage from your plants and create an arrangement for your table (doesn't have to please anyone but you) or create something from your garden. One mindfulness class we had a paper plate and picked native flowers mostly bottle brushes and leaves and created a mandala on the plate using as many senses as we could. They all ended up straight in the bin after but it was really relaxing doing it......and we had ants everywhere as the came out of hiding in the bottle brushed so it was flora and insect mindfulness 😉IMG_3382.JPG

Re: Struggling with not drinking

.....and  @utopia 💜🤗💐


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Re: Struggling with not drinking

I think what you have already done is amazing @utopia you have managed to go without alcohol for 13 days that is incredible! Not only choosing to do that and doing it is the hardest part and you did that! Maintaining it will be easier, so you have got this ! I hope you are rewarding yourself with nice food and watching some of your favourite movies or something that is a treat Heart Heart

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Re: Struggling with not drinking

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HeartHeart go @utopia !! Smiley Happy Smiley Very Happy

Re: Struggling with not drinking

I think what you have already done is amazing @utopia you have managed to go without alcohol for 13 days that is incredible!, I agree with @Former-Member

My husband and I have cut it out too for 14 days now @utopia, , hubby got gone to drinking cordial instead , so we can do this together

 remeber to treat yourself with other things you enjoy eating

Re: Struggling with not drinking

Thank you @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51.
Teej I feel more like Charlie Brown at the moment. He was always a negative glass half empty character - but even his smile is beautiful and full of life.
I ended up calling the AA general Melbourne line. He gave me 2 people I can contact in my town. By then I was far too emotional to call them - so took 2 prn calmers and slept.
Shaz51 - wow your husband and I are only 1 day difference in days without alcohol. How has he been coping? If I'm correct, he has always been the drinker? So I'm assuming (never good to assume) that you are giving alcohol away in support of him.
I'm still struggling with my depression. I'm finding it hard to go out. But I did get to the chemist.

Re: Struggling with not drinking

I'm still struggling with my depression. I'm finding it hard to go out. But I did get to the chemist.--- focus on the one thing you did my awesome friend @utopia -- you did go to the chemist Smiley Very Happy

@utopia, let`s say that hubby is drinking a lot of cordial , which is not good in one way but he said the alcohol and his meds don`t go together

you are giving alcohol away in support of him., also for my kidney health too

soo I am proud of you and together we can do it , one day at a time xx

Re: Struggling with not drinking


@Shaz51  Way to go!  Great effort and......IMG_3132.JPG

for hubby @Shaz51