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I finally feel stable!

I have literally had the worst 8 months of my life just before. I had 17 admissions (one was 3 months long), multiple different diagnoses, constant medication changes, and it took me becoming manic with psychotic delusions for the doctors to confirm my diagnosis as biplar and start me on a different combination of medications. I feel fantastic! I feel in control of my body, able to cope with life, and I think about all the things I did when I was unwell and I feel like the memories were just a different person!


I've been in hospital for over a month now and I'm hopefully leaving at the end of this week if all goes well. I'm really excited! This is probably one of the first hopsital discharges that either haven't been against medical advice or where the doctor has discharged me expecting me to come straight back.


My only concern is that I'll be returning to my normal psychiatrist as an outpatient who wasn't the one treating me in hospital, and he thinks I have depression and not bipolar. I want to work with him to reduce my dose of one of my medications, but I'm just anxious he'll think that the medications I'm on are unnecessary and stop them all. I just want small changes made to my medication, as I'd rather take what I'm taking now for the rest of my life and be stable rather than go back to what I was like before! I guess I'll have to wait and see, fingers crossed everything stays the way it is!


Re: I finally feel stable!

@cerseigirl  Congratulations cerseigirl 😄 that is wonderful news 🙂 as the saying goes "If it aint broke dont fix it!".

Re: I finally feel stable!

You have been through so much in such a short space of time @cerseigirl . Well done on getting to where you are at now. Just remember, it's YOUR LIFE and YOUR BODY. You are the one in control of those things. You have control over what works best for you, and while others inclunding the professionals might have the expert knowledge, you have rights as a patient to exert control and be able to make decisions in your care. I wish you all the very best in your recovery.

Re: I finally feel stable!

Fantastic news for you, @cerseigirl  🙂


I hope your normal psychiatrist will accept the diagnosis of bipolar from the hospital doctors? I assume they will write to him? 


So glad you feel stable now 🙂

Re: I finally feel stable!

Hi @cerseigirl ,


Congrats! You're on way to full recovery. Stay safe and healthy always.



Re: I finally feel stable!

Thanks everyone for all the positive comments! The psychiatrist at this hospital should write to my normal psychiatrist, but sometimes hospital psychiatrists have said they would but they just run out of time. I hope even if she doesn't that I can still explain as much as possible to my psychiatrist about what happened! I'll see him next week so I'll keep you guys updated as to how I go 🙂 If I need to I can always see this hospital psychiatrist as an outpatient too!

Re: I finally feel stable!

@cerseigirl wrote:

If I need to I can always see this hospital psychiatrist as an outpatient too!

Oh good, that sounds like a good back-up plan!


Good luck 👍